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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Coincidence...or a sign?

So I listen to a variety of podcasts, two of which are the Totally Laime podcast, hosted by Elizabeth Laime, and The Nerdist podcast, hosted by Chris Hardwick. The guests this week on said podcasts were Marc Maron and Maria Bamford, respectively. Now, these podcasts, while starting at around the same time, are run entirely independent of each other. My listening to them on the same day was a coincidence, but all the better to catch what did happen.
Marc Maron, on the Totally Laime podcast, name-dropped Maria Bamford as a comic he enjoys watching. As I was aware that Bamford was the guest on The Nerdist, which was up next on my listening queue, I thought "Hmm, that's odd." And then didn't give it any more thought. And then, on The Nerdist podcast, Chris Hardwick, while recounting one of his drunken nights tales, proceeds to name-drop Marc Maron as a person he was at this particular party with.
Coincidence? Yes, most likely, unless you buy into the theory that all four aforementioned people got together and hatched this conspiracy with the sole purpose of messing with my head, which, I will admit, does sound very likely. Hmm...
Either way, I took this as an indication that I should end my unexpected hiatus from this blog. Should any of you be interested in any of the podcasts mentioned, their official sites are linked to in the opening paragraph.
So yes, I'm back. Hide your daughters.


  1. People must agree to name drop one another as some sort of professional courtesy. I wonder if they're friends or whether they're in a "mutually advantageous" relationship.

  2. *hides behind his daughter*

    Blog's lookin' good, dude!

  3. Jennifer: I think it's more of the latter, unless it's a really close-knit community. You might have hit it on the head with the professional courtesy, though; that makes the most sense.

    *makes a beeline for Tom's wife*
    Thanks, dude.
